Review: A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (book vs. tv series)
I hate that we are halfway through October and I am just posting about this now, but I am…
I hate that we are halfway through October and I am just posting about this now, but I am…
I really wanted to come on here and shout how much I loved the prequel story for The Hunger…
I really like going into a book without really knowing too much about it. And with Red, White, and…
I am no stranger to Jenny Han’s books. I truly believed that falling in love with the All The…
Call me satisfied. I have just watched the first three episodes of the adaptation for The Power, a new…
I’m dreamin’ of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know… And thanks to Dash &…
Always and Forever, Lara Jean încheie trilogia To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. Haideți să vorbim despre cum…
Nu m-am dezis, am dus la capăt lectura celui de-al doilea volum din seria The Kissing Booth, la nici…
În mijlocul lui decembrie eu am început să citesc o carte perfectă pentru o vară petrecută sub umbra unui…
Tot timpul o să am o slăbiciune pentru subgenul Young Adult, așa că am profitat de ocazie, ocazia fiind…