I honestly don’t know where to start with this Barbie review. I did not allow any outside opinion or reviews or reactions or whatever might’ve influenced me before watching this movie to give me any type of expectations. So I’ve hit play with curiosity and a bit of hope because I truly love Margot Robbie.

Besides the movie being just a plain boring movie, I actually found it to be slightly problematic. I am a sucker for metaphors (and I played with Barbies as a child), don’t get me wrong, but what has been attempted here does not work, to say the least. There were bits that I’ve appreciated more in the first few minutes of the film and the self-irony towards certain aspects of the Mattel product and overall society.

So what started as a decent plot ended up being so cringe that towards the end I almost couldn’t take it anymore, it was almost painful to watch. Unfortunately, despite the huge budget and amazing cast, what I hoped it was going to be a funny movie (or at least an entertaining one that would act as a good enough excuse for munching on a bag of popcorn) turned out to be an overly feminist production that cannot be enjoyed or appreciated even by the female audience. If it does anything, I feel like it’s taking one important subject that we need to talk about more in our society today and repeating it so many times in every single scene that it makes you sick of it and defies the purpose.

Barbie has an existential crisis and arrives in the Real World trying to figure out her life. Seems that Barbie finds an answer in the end, but I didn’t find the reason behind this movie, like why it exists and why there is an obsession with it. I know the marketing campaign was very good, but it is truly that easy for companies to sell us stuff? Please, do let me know what made you watch it and what did you think of it, I am truly curious.

I found the “depressed Barbie” scene to be extremely inappropriate and I had a hard time going forward with the viewing. I can understand a metaphor and artistic aspects, but here I can only say that it was not okay, at all. And I was already on the unpopular side of opinions regarding Greta Gerwig, I still believe she is an overrated director and this movie only proved me right. Also please, Universe, let this be the last movie with Ryan Gosling blonde; for as much as I admire him as an actor, his look in this movie was a big no-no.

Humans have only one ending. Ideas live for ever.

Thank you Warner Bros. UK for the opportunity of watching this home premiere.


Barbie is now out on digital platforms and you can buy/rent it if you want to watch/rewatch it from the comfort of your own home.

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